Tuesday 4 September 2012

Blog 8 – Karumba to Gregory River Free Camp (August 24 to September 2, 2012)

Friday 24 August 2012 – Karumba (Kerry D Charter)

We had to set the alarm to get us up at 5am.  We haven’t been up this early for months!!!!  Sometime AFTER 7am is the go now that we’re RETIRED.  There were 8 of us plus the skipper Daz, on our boat.  Daz is the owner of the business “Kerry D Charters” which consists of 2 charter boats – he’s doing very well for a young bloke – probably only in his mid thirties. 
Daz (the owner) Morning Glory in background
Nice Hair!!!!

We had the best morning, starting off with a rare Morning Glory cloud formation blowing up just as we got to the boat ramp.  These are pretty rare – so it was a thrill to be able to see one.  Then we headed up the coast for about 22 nautical miles to catch our fish.
Morning Glory

The little Mackerel is on the left end - nothing compared to the one below (mine)
Roy caught the most out of everyone on board (on ya Roy)  -he caught 8 (1 SMALL mackerel and 7 salmon) and I caught 4 salmon.  The salmon (king blue eyed salmon) were a good size, as you will see from the pic – but the mackerel was nothing compared to the one I CAUGHT on our Weipa fishing charter!!!  (Mary!!!)
This is a mackerel!!!! - Helen/s

Everyone on board went home with fish and very happy.  Roy spent the afternoon cleaning and filleting and cryovacing and I spent the afternoon with Wally (washing machine). 
Wally Day

Sunset Van Park

We called in to the chemist to check up on the toe and I was reassured by the young lady pharmacist that I was not going to die over the weekend and to drop into the hospital at Normanton on Monday on our way out –  that I probably need antibiotics…  (just as long as they don’t cut it off!!!!)

Saturday 25th August 2012 – Karumba (Crab and Croc Tour)

We had an easy day – Roy pulled the moulding off from around the stairwell on the van – where we think the dust is coming in, and siliconed it up.  Hopefully this will solve the problem.  (Up until now I couldn’t find where the dust was coming in, just in one little section around the stairwell – I had already dust proofed around the door but it didn’t fix the problem). 
Croc and Crab Tours

For lunch he decided he was going to treat us with pancakes again yum and I spent the day on the computer and got Blog 7 done.

In the afternoon we went on a sunset cruise, “Crab and Croc Tours”.  (Husband and wife team) It was great!  They supplied the food and alcohol and gave us a souvenir, either a stubby cooler or an etched wine glass with their logo on it.  We had freshly cooked banana prawns and raw fish thinly sliced and marinaded in secret ingredients and served with a lovely sauce.  (I wonder why we weren’t served crab – they have a mud crab business too).  Roy and I both loved the raw fish, so we’re going to give it a go!!!!  (we’ve got lots of fish now to try it out on).  This was followed by a fruit platter and all the beer, red and white wine you could want…. Yummy! Everyone had a ball…  The young pharmacist and her husband and daughter were on the cruise too - funny hey!!!

The Crab and Croc Tour business is up for sale – anyone interested?? It would be a great little business for a couple who want a change.

Sunday 26th August 2012 – Karumba

Russell Brown (Satellite Man who runs his business from his annex) dropped in to talk to us about getting a sat dish. We decided that we’d go ahead with it.  Then we did a quick trip to the local markets (outside the pub).  Roy bought some books – so that’s how he spent the rest of the day until Russell came back in the arvo to install and teach us about the sat dish. 
Our Card

When we were at Mount Surprise we had some business cards printed and posted up to us C/- Karumba Post Office (all done online).  We picked them up when we arrived on Thursday.  Russell has our first one!!!! (for our contact details)

We met a couple who came in yesterday (Louise and John) – you wouldn’t believe it – Louise’s mother owns 3 houses at Amity – one of the houses is the house that Pixie and Grant rent and 2 more, three blocks away from the shop (1 on the waterfront and the other on Ballow Rd), and her sister used to teach at Dunwich High about 12 years ago – Fiona Norris and Jonathan Moore…..  That small world again - Bloody Hell !

Bourke and Wills Camp 119

Monday 27th August – Leichhardt Falls

Leichhardt Falls - Lots of flies
On our way to Leichhardt Falls we stopped off at the Bourke and Wills Camp 119 site.  Very sad - their last camp before aborting their trip to the gulf.  We stayed the night at Leichhardt Falls – another beautiful spot.  As soon as we arrived, we pulled the chairs out and set up on the rock wall facing the falls.  You wouldn’t be dead for quids.
Leichhardt Falls

Our camp

Leichhardt River

What a view to wake up to!!!
No Jeddy - you can't come in.... it was freezing in the early morn....

Tuesday to Sunday (28th – 2 Sept ) - Gregory River Free Camp

Happy Birthday Lan (my sister) – Love from us both – thinking of you and have a great day!!

The free camp here was pretty full when we arrived but we were lucky enough to get a waterfront site.  This place is very popular and gets quite packed. 

Gregory Downs

When we got settled, Roy got the satellite dish out and attempted to set it up, using the Step by Step Easy Manual that came with it… Holy Hell – Lets go for a walk Jeddy!!!  When I returned, Bourkey (our new friends next door - Deb and Bourkey) was helping Roy, thank God!  He knew what he was doing because he has one himself.  Thanks Bourkey!!! What a lifesaver…
Bourke Deb Pat Ray and Roy - Our Camp

The temp has been getting up to the mid 30s and the river welcoming. 

 It is crystal clear and running quite fast – what everyone is doing is walking up-river about 300 meters and jumping in, floating down to the end of the camping area, hopping out and doing it again.  You should see all these old grey nomads (silver tops) floating down the river one after the other, feet first and giggling their heads off like kids…… So funny to see, they all look like dorks and to add to the site, everyone has to wear shoes because of the stones on the bottom, which makes it look even more comical – but what fun!!!!! 
Pat and Ray

Add caption

Roy’s been honing up on his cooking skills, whipping up batches of pancakes and cooking lovely roasts and fish for dinners and I’ve been very willing to test all of his creations – (seeing if they measure up to the Gleesons)!!!!

Pancakes - Yum!!
Mackerel - Yum!!

We’ve been doing a lot of lounging around, reading and lazing in the icy cold water.  I wish I’d thought to bring a noodle, it would have been so much fun here.

We’ve met some more great new friends, more drinks around the campfire and, would you believe it, Pat and Ray arrived here on Wednesday after spending a few days at Lawn Hill.  We spent 2 more days with them before they headed off once again.  Hope we catch up somewhere else guys!!!

Because we’ve stayed at Lawn Hill before a few years ago, we decided just to do a day trip this time.  We went up on Friday - I was keen to check out a free camp we’ve been told about, on the river just out of Adels Grove.  We found it just 1 or so km before getting to Adels Grove, coming in from Gregory.  Its just a track, but leads down to a lovely cleared site that could accommodate a few vans or camper trailers – right on the river…… Adels is charging $34 per night for the same thing.  Anyone coming up this way - keep this in mind for a free camp.

Roy and Bourke

We visited the National Park and went for a walk to the Cascades.  I was very disappointed with the whole place.  The last time we came up here, the Cascades was a lovely little waterfall and stream – now it doesn’t flow and is stagnant.  The trees, mainly palms, all along the walk have been culled and just left in big ugly piles.  Whether they have a disease, I don’t know – but really disappointing. 
At the Cascades

This was the first opportunity on our trip to get our kayaks off the roof and paddle in safety (no crocs) in perfect conditions.  We had full intentions of doing so, until we returned from our walk.  We pondered on it for a bit, then decided it was going to be too much of an effort getting the things off the roof, down to the river and then back on again after our paddle.  We really are getting lazy, but I have to admit that its not as easy to do any more.  When we get home we’ll have to make a lot of changes…….  Instead of the exercise, we decided to add some more calories and had lunch on the deck at Adels Grove…. Expensive but yum.  Howz this for skint!! – we shared a serve of chips with gravy and halved a toasted samo and coke.  Is this what you do when you’re retired!!! My God wots happening to us….
Free Camp-Just east of Adels Grove

The dust problem has still got us baffled.  As it turned out, the stairwell wasn’t the problem after all (its still coming in somewhere).  Roy has put heaps of dust proofing adhesive foam all around the entire BLOODY door – (It has to be coming in from the bottom of the door somewhere – he’s put so much on, this has to stop it!!!!  As a second precaution – I’ve been jamming Jeddy’s pillow in the stairwell and that at least confines the dust to the stairwell, which is better than it going right through the whole van, but I really would like an end to the problem.  It’s not going to beat us!……  Does anyone have any suggestions? 

Finally, after over a month, I think I’m nearly rid of the spider bite.  Deb (next door) suggested using Peroxide on it rather than Tea Tree Oil.  I have been giving it a go and have to admit it finally looks like its starting to heal….  (jot that down in your First-Aid books – Peroxide for Spider Bites).  My First-Aid book doesn’t say anything other than watch the symptoms – very unhelpful when you’re miles from anywherel!!.

Friday night, after tea and drinks with our friends, I decided to relax in bed with some “TV on the Gregory” – Oh No!!!.  Beep Beep Beep Beep, then all went silent, and BLACK….  What’s wrong Roy!!!  Too late to muck about with it now - off to sleep and sort it out tomorrow!!  Just a fuse and its up and running again phew!!….and then – Oh No  - what now!!!!   No signal from the new Sat Dish – Bloody Hell!!  Out with the “Easy To Use Manual” and my man has it sorted once again.   I’m now watching “Happy Days” on the Gregory !!!!!!!  Ain’t Life Grand…..

This is beautiful Gregory River

I’m really going to miss this camp, the hanging around in togs all day, the weather and temperature has been glorious and being right on the river front, where you can just jump in whenever.  Its been a lovely 6 days – Oh well, time to move on.

Next stop……. Don’t know yet.  We are heading down to Bedourie for the races next weekend – but as yet haven’t made our minds up which way we’ll go….  We’ll most likely go down through the Burke and Wills Roadhouse to Cloncurry and then across to Mt Isa and down that way – but you’ll have to stay tuned if you want to know…….

Catch you next Blog…..

Stay blogged in to this site to view the next episode of "Travelling Adventures with Roy and Helen", or don't....  
To be continued....

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