Monday 1 October 2012

Blog 14 – Bollon (Sept 26– Oct 4, 2012)

Well – plans certainly are meant to be broken – and as its turned out, one week later, we’re still here.  The consolation is that if you have to be held up somewhere – this would have to be the pick of the spots.  It really is beautiful here and has everything you could want right here – so we are quite happy to stay….

Getting closer to home - Oh No!!!

Monday 26 September – Thursday 4 October, 2012

Bollon Pub
We had planned to head off for Nindigully on Tuesday, but we had an unexpected event which has held us up for a few extra days, so we will be staying here in Bollon until Thursday now.  (That’s the plan at this moment.)

Bollon main street


We're not sure which way we'll go, but we're heading in the direction of Millmerran for the Campoven Festival.  We may miss out on going via Nindigully.  Not a big deal – we’ve been there before – but its just been painted PINK for a funraising event last weekend and would have been fun to see it.  Nevermind…

Our beautiful Jeddy

What held us up is ROY!!!!

Being such the social fella that he is, he invited some of our neighbours around to watch the NRL grand final on Sunday night.

After a great night with plenty of laughter, and good cheer and of course too much beer and wine, the night ended in a fall for Roy, which resulted in a popped shoulder and much pain.

This happened at about 10:30pm.  Luckily a couple of our guests (Robyn and Kevin) are AMBOS.  So, out came their skills and they got the situation sorted with as little drama as possible.  The result was that an ambulance was called from St George (110km away) and when it arrived about 2 hours later, took the party boy away to hospital.  Kevin and Robyn said there's an AMBO term for this situation - PRI (Piss related injury).  (I think that is right).  Off to hospital he went.....

The next morning I received a phone call from him saying he'd been discharged and to come and get him.  Xrays had been taken in the morning – and the shoulder had gone back into place on its own.

Robyn, Kevin and Roy

The car wasn't unhitched – which meant the van had to be chocked and lifted.  I’ve never done this before, its always been Roy’s job (I do the inside and he does the outside).  I was very grateful for all the help that came my way.  Sam and Kevin, Robyn and Merna got it all under control for me and got me on my way.  Thanks guys for all your help. We really appreciate all you've done -  you're priceless...  

I have made it my business to watch and learn what to do from now on, you never know when you will have to do it yourself!  I even emptied the disgusting loo for the first time... (Now I know how you felt Wayne), ha ha

Roy was told to take it easy for a few days – which means NOT to use his arm and to keep it in a sling…  So this is why we’ve decided to stay put until Thursday.

On this trip we have met some really wonderful people and sincerely hope we do keep in touch with them.

Robyn (the ambo) is multiskilled, it turns out she is also a great campoven cook.  She had a morning tea the other day, inviting a number of campers from nearby.  Very inspiring – I got a recipe from her for one of her dampers and intend giving it a go in the near future.  (yeah sure!!)

This morning Sam came over to show us how to filter muddy river water, for use in the kitchen or for washing.  You really do learn something new every day!!  Thanks Sam..

Before - Muddy
Kevin, Robyn, Sam and Roy

Sam and the water filter
After filtration - Clear

Sam, Kevin and Roy

Robyn is cooking up chocolate slices in the campoven this arvo – YUM!!! Looking forward to it.

Afternoon Tea

Next Day

Well, we had afternoon tea and as you can see - there was none left.  The Choco Slices were delicious!!  Tomorrow its my turn and under Robyn's instruction, I am going to make a damper..

Tomorrow has been and gone and the damper turned out beautifully..... Look out Miss Elly!!!

The cooking process
The end result.....

Kevin knocking off the last piece!!!

Well, the plans from Millmerran are still the same as they were last blog…… so far that is!!!  Wait and see………………

Stay blogged in to this site to view the next episode of "Travelling Adventures with Roy and Helen", or don't....  

Awesome sunset - Bollon

To be continued....

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